Once you’ve decided if on your platform or platforms as the case may be, you will start to create content for each of the social media platforms you’ve chosen. There are different types of content. There’s content based on attracting sales, content to promote community engagement, and content to promote brand awareness.

Create Content for Social Media

Creating content for social media can be fun or complicated and exhausted.  You may have an image you want to use across several social media sites but want it to look different on each site. There are websites that can make editing one image into multiple versions at one time for use on different posts.  Contenlamp is a program that supplies different and creative ideas for your social media posts. You download the program from the internet at contentlamp.com.  It will help you by using the information you provide and adding the image, copy, and logo.

The Importance of Marketing Content

Marketing Content on social media is not all about selling, it is about engagement. How you attract a community by relating to your target audience and then telling them about your product or service is a large part of Social Media Management. You will build stronger relationships with existing customers by providing useful information on topics based on mutual interests in the community. One important factor in social media management is to decide the quality of the content you’ll be creating for your brand. Even though, we may be looking for sales, in the end, engaging a group of people interested in the same things, sharing experiences, learning from each other, and providing your audience with useful information related to your brand will take them one step closer to choosing you and your product or service.

Content Calendar

The most efficient method to plan your social media content posts is by creating a Content Calendar to organize your strategy. Content calendars are a schedule of upcoming post ideas and typically include your copy, articles, status updates, planned promotional activity, updates to existing content, images, videos or reels, links, hashtags, and frequency.

The Copywriting

The copy will be the text that accompanies the picture you post on social media. It seems easy, but it’s actually pretty complicated and copywriters spend a lot of time researching the brand and its audience to come up with engaging phrases that will promote the interaction. The copy also depends on the platform you’re using. For Instagram for example, the first phase of the copy has to be what catches the audience’s attention while on Facebook the copy can be longer and more like a story.

The Hashtags

 Hashtags are very important to get in touch with people that have similar interests and relate to your brand. It’s not necessary to use 20 hashtags per post for them to work. It’s been actually proven that just 2 or 3 well-chosen hashtags will work better. There are websites that can help you search for the most popular hashtags related to your brand.

The Frequency

Another important part of the strategy and the content calendar creation is to decide the frequency you’ll post on each platform. Depending on your brand, sometimes it’s not necessary to post several times a day or every day. Remember that the audience does not like to be bombarded with irrelevant media posts. How often you post depends on the social media platform you are using.  See the chart below for the standards for 2022:


1-2 per day


1-2 reels and 1 image or carousel per day


1-3 times per day


4-10 pins per day


1 post per day


3 posts per day


Scheduling Social Media Posts

When you have your strategy, content, and calendar completed, it is time to schedule your social media posts. For this task, each social media platform has its own scheduler for posts.  There are also websites that will allow you to schedule all of your social media in one place.  In both types of schedulers, you can add all the information regarding your social media posts, including your images, video,  copy, and hashtags.  You will choose the date and time that it should be posted, and everything will be automatically done for you.

Applications like Content Lamp, Instagram, and later.com all offer social media posting planners with great tools to assist you with improving your posts.

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