9 Tips to Build a Viral TikTok Channel Quickly

TikTok is a thriving social networking platform. The popularity of TikTok skyrocketed during the pandemic. There was a significant increase in online users due to the increased demand for entertainment. This outstanding growth is something every seller needs to add to their marketing plan.

In this article, we will give you 9 tips to build a thriving TikTok channel quickly so your brand can start using this marketing stream to its advantage.

Tip #1 - You Need to Understand TikTok's Algorithm

For your TikTok channel to have many followers, you first need to understand TikTok's algorithm.  The platform will evaluate your channel based on average viewing time, interaction, and frequency of interaction.

 4 conditions make a channel go viral on TikTok:

  1.  Attractive video content, attracting many viewers, being ranked in the top videos automatically suggested to about 400 new users. If a video reaches the top of recommendations, this is a sign that your channel will grow like a hurricane.
  2.   When your video is evaluated by TikTok to have a certain spread in a small group, potentially large viral, now you need to reach the milestone of 1000-5000 new users.
  3.   After reaching the distribution milestone of 1000-5000 new users. At this point, TikTok's machine learning will scan and push your video content to a widely recommended level, reaching 50,000 to 1 million users.
  4.  Reaching condition 4 shows that your video has become viral, and has an extremely high popularity rate. Reaching more than 1 million viewers naturally and reaching the top of Tab For You, it can be understood that the influence is equivalent to the top trending video on youtube.


Tip #2 - Thoroughly understand the TikTok Hashtag (#)

The TikTok hashtag is a tool that helps video posters categorize the content they post. Sellers' content categorization is more important than ever because customers use hashtags as a means to search for the items they want to purchase.

 In addition to serving as a content classification tool, the TikTok hashtag has many other benefits. Let's take a look at some reasons why you should use hashtags in each of your sales videos on TikTok:

  • Increase reach - Hashtags help the poster's TikTok video reach users based on interests and content they are interested in quickly and optimally. This helps to expand the visibility of your videos. From there, the specific audience you want to target will be more likely to see the content you want to convey.
  •  Increase sales - Increasing reach to potential customers also means that your shop's sales will also increase significantly. Customers do not spend time searching for you and they can easily grasp basic information about the items you sell, thereby shortening the purchasing decision process and increasing order conversion rates.
  •  Increase interaction - One obvious benefit of hashtags is that your videos will get more engagement. Your TikTok channel reaching more people also means that your views, hearts, and followers will increase rapidly.

 There are a few things that you need to keep in mind when creating a TikTok hashtag:

  •  Have a consistent set of hashtags and focus on promoting the main hashtag, directly related to your product or brand.
  • Hashtags should match the content you want to share.
  • Use simple hashtags. If the hashtag is too sophisticated, customers will not be able to find you.
  • Regularly monitor and update new hashtags to match a variety of content.


Tip #3 - Make trending clips to attract users

In addition to sales content, the Tiktok platform encourages shop owners to create trending content, build community, and increase the number of people who drop hearts and follow their channel. To attract a large number of viewers, the more popular the video, the more accounts will be distributed by Tiktok.

What makes a clip viral?  Viral clips usually consist of content that updates on a popular online trend and has funny and entertaining video content. Usually, these videos are easy to attract users, the more they are viewed, the easier it is to go viral and reach the milestones of Tiktok. Users themselves also like to watch entertaining videos, and create laughter, if your channel produces videos continuously, creating attractive viewers, customers will not hesitate to follow and subscribe to the channel.

 How to sell skillfully on Tiktok 

Creating promotional clips that don't look like advertising is the art of selling on Tiktok. To attract customers naturally, and have many followers, is to invest in clips with knowledge-sharing content, bringing useful value to users.

Avoid mistakes that cause videos to be squeezed interactively

 Avoid content from other channels

This is a fairly common method of many new TikTok channels that want to quickly achieve high reach. They use clips from movies, vlogs, or from other people's Youtube channels and then re-post them on their channel. This is disrespectful to the brains and efforts of other content creators and TikTok has terms of community violation standards, and content re-up is one of the violations that are often removed by TikTok or squeezed interactions.

 In the end, you won't be able to extract anything from the engagement metrics you get because that public file is only interested in the content you've previously shared. Navigating channel content to the content you want to deploy will be difficult even if the channel already has a certain number of followers.

Avoid buying a TikTok channel with high followers


Many people think that if there is an account with a stable number of followers and views, later content will be easier to go viral. The truth is not so, if buying a channel with the purpose of public file does not coincide with the content direction that you intend to produce, the videos uploaded after purchasing the channel will not be able to be received as well as your video's old channel because it's not the content users want to see when following this TikTok channel. Gradually people will unfollow and stop interacting with the channel.

Pay attention to the channel form

Many people think that the TikTok channel only needs to focus on channel content. Paying attention to channel form is very important, it is what creates professionalism and strengthens personal brand image. The form includes the profile and thumbnail of the video.

Personal profile on TikTok channel needs:

  •  Name: Name should reflect the channel w/ elements of the brand 2nd
  • TikTok ID: The ID needs to be easy to remember for users to find and be branded
  • Avatar: professional image, clearly identifiable. Not offensive 
  • Profile: Insert website link (If applicable), basic intro to channel topic
  • Privacy settings: Hide liked videos, allow people to send direct messages, etc.


 Tip #4 - Thumbnail

Thumbnail plays an important role in attracting viewers. Normally, TikTok will automatically choose a moment in your video, but you can actively choose the right thumbnail for your video. Thumbnails may be the most general image that represents a video theme with a short text.

 TikTok accounts should use the general thumbnail template from the first video to create a professional, synchronized effect. A TikTok channel whose thumbnail I like is @moedidauu. If you pay attention, people can see that Moe does not use TikTok's built-in template, but the videos still ensure the consistency of color/font when displayed.

Tip #5 -  Skip the step of setting up a Trust Account 

New TikTok channels usually will not distribute specific content and do not affect the public group interested in the topic. You should join TikTok for the first 3-4 weeks and interact on Tiktok with the behavior of a regular user such as: watching other videos, dropping hearts, commenting, and following channels in the same direction. This will help shape the channel's future development and is also a way to follow TikTok's algorithm. You should strike a balance between using your channel as a user account and uploading content, rather than just building a channel without interacting with other users.

Tip #6 - Sales clips should only be 60 seconds

The maximum timeline TikTok allows users to post is 3 minutes and 30 seconds, but the perfect time for a video is about 1 minute.

 Customers will often tend to watch videos with short content, if the video is long and spread, they will skip it right away. A small tip: if you want to make long content, you should divide it into parts. Breaking long content into small clips will help stimulate users to watch your videos more.

 Tip #7 -  Use effects, background music, text

When posting Tiktok clips, don't forget to use funny icons, background music, or text to increase the effects of your videos. There are many effects available on Tiktok's archive such as music inserted into the video/text color, text style/effects to enlarge or reduce the face/stickers/crop video content/color edition, and more.  Taking advantage of these utilities makes it easy for Tiktok channel owners to make videos right on the application without even knowing how to use other complicated customization tools. Make the most of this available application store to help make videos with more attractive effects.

Tip #8 - Follow the community rules of Tiktok

To Join any platform you need to follow the rules of that platform. For Tiktok channels, users need to comply with the following community rules:

  •  - Do not post Names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, portraits, or other content representing dangerous individuals and/or organizations. Content that celebrates glorifies or supports individuals and/or organizations is dangerous.
  • - Do not post Content displaying dangerous weapons or stimulants harmful to the community such as guns, knives, drugs, or narcotics, ...
  • - Do not post Excessive gruesome content or barbaric violence,...
  • - Do not post: Inhuman content, inciting hatred, violent or divisive content
  • - Do not post Videos with content depicting sexual activities, displaying genitals, or offensive images, ...
  • - Do not post Content that infringes the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights of others.

Tip #9 - Share videos on Tiktok with other platforms

To optimize video content and increase the number of people who know your TikTok channel, don't limit yourself to just one platform. Make the most of different social networking platforms, and cross-post content on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and any other platforms you use.  This not only diversifies the content on different social networks but also helps many people come to your TikTokchannel, increasing the number of followers quickly.