Making Your Content Marketing Campaign Explode

Content Marketing has become more popular than ever across the world. Due to the millions of posts viewed daily, the market is getting diluted and it is hard for creators to post "fresh" content ideas.

The reason many Content Marketing campaigns fail is that they do not create a focal point. They are easily overshadowed by the news posted daily. This article shares how to make your Content Marketing Campaign explode so that you can achieve the highest ROI possible.

Master the goals of your marketing campaign

Once you have a clear understanding of the goals of your content marketing campaign, you can successfully implement the steps inside. Content Marketing is not only a tool for advertising, it also aims at many other goals to promote business development. Typically, content marketing campaigns will have 7 basic goals:

Increase brand awareness

The brand, though intangible, is the most valuable asset of a business, built in the process of growing the business and expressing its future potential. But the brand will not be able to exert its full power if it is not disseminated to everyone, and Marketing is the best way to increase the brand awareness of the business, in which using content will bring effective results. The result leaves a lasting impression on the customer's mind.

 Articles that are shared regularly, providing practical value to readers will always be well received, rather than blatant advertisements. When readers find it useful to follow your blog or fan page, they will automatically remember the brand you own.

5 steps to build an effective content marketing campaign

A perfect Marketing strategy will bring a lot of benefits to businesses in managing the campaign well and achieving the initial goals. With these 5 steps, you can easily build your own tailored strategy.

 1.    Analyze and evaluate the current state of the business - Before formulating a marketing strategy, you need to assess the actual state of your business. The SWOT model will help you do this quickly.

 2.    Identify customer segmentsAfter assessing your business overview - the next step is to identify customer segments. Is your product/service aimed at the high-end or low-end segment? Each customer segment will have completely different characteristics.

 3.    Building Marketing objectives according to the S.M.A.R.T model - To build the perfect marketing strategy, you should also define your marketing goals. You can apply the S.M.A.R.T model with goals that are specific (S-Specific), easily measurable (M-Measurable), achievable (A-Achievable), suitable for realism realistic (R-Realistic), or set a time limit (T-Timetable).

 4.    Media channel selection and budget allocation - Once you've defined your goals, start working on them. First, you need to determine the company's budget based on the actual situation. From the specific number, you allocate resources and budget to each channel.

 5.    Building a marketing strategy for the business - The last step that plays an extremely important role is to build an integrated marketing strategy that includes many small marketing strategies for each channel.

Increase the reach of your social media posts

The social network was born and developed like a push for all marketing activities, making promotion easier than ever thanks to its ability to transmit information quickly, and connect unlimitedly in space and time. Then why not take advantage of that strength for your Content Marketing campaign?

  • A post on a business's fan page or personal page is very interesting, but if left natural, the number of people to reach is very low. You can increase the chances of your posts appearing on other people's timelines with a few tricks:
  • Post promotion: this is a tool dedicated by Facebook for fan pages, you can spend a certain amount of money in a certain period of time so that the article can expand its reach. This approach is probably the most direct and effective, but of course, the amount of money poured in is not small, the effect is more temporary.
  •  Increase the number of fan page likes: of course, we mean real likes, real fans, not virtual likes, fake fans. When the number of followers of your fan page increases, it also means that more people can read your posts.
  • Mobilizing sharing: by doing this, you can take advantage of the network of people on social networks, and the effect will surprise you. A person sharing your article is also promoting the article to their friends on your behalf. Based on the number of people on your list of a few hundred people, it is enough to know how terrible the ability to spread information is.

Diversify post content

Agree one thing is that Content Marketing must perform the right marketing function for the business and its products, but if you only work hard to post simple promotional articles about yourself, not many people will care. . If you think that there are few but good people, the people who are really in need will be the people who read those posts, and that's all you need, then say that this point of view is completely wrong.

 Content Marketing's mission is to attract the attention of as many people as possible, expand the customer base, and fully exploit the market, not just focus on "fishing your own pond". Diversifying post content helps your fan page not become boring and dry, not to mention attracting new customers or not, it also helps your old customers feel interested and want to follow.

 But you should know the limit, diversify, and not turn Content Marketing into a mixed campaign with all kinds of distracting information. Remember no matter what you do, the last thing you aim for is the product, the business.

Don't hesitate to spend money on Google ads

Of course, there are many ways to implement Content Marketing with 0 VND or less cost, but the effectiveness is quite low and slow. And in this age of racing with technology, just one minute of delay can be crushed by your opponent. There is nothing wrong with using money to advertise online or unfair competition, just a means to help you breakthrough.

 Google now offers a number of website advertising tools on its huge search network, including two forms:

 ·         Pay-per-click (pay-per-click): If you notice, you can see that every time you search on Google, there will be some results with the word "QC" next to it, and they are always at the top. That sign proves that the other website has used Google's pay-per-click advertising tool. To put it simply, Google will show the website at the top, but every time someone "clicks", you have to pay the corresponding amount. The effectiveness of this approach is probably not much to say, just the cost is quite large. There are "clicks" costing tens of thousands of dong, but a day must be thousands of "clicks" like that.

 ·         Pay per keyword (Google Ads): This is like renting a keyword from Google, you pay to use it and every time someone types that keyword, your website will appear first.

 As mentioned, this approach only helps you break through for a certain time only (if you have enough financial resources, it is different), the important thing is still your Content Marketing strategy, if it is invested. carefully, in the right direction, the results will last longer.

Use Only Meaningful content

Marketing is to attract the attention of others, there are many ways to accomplish that goal, one of which is headlines, specializing in shocking news. This approach may be effective at the time, but if done continuously it is very easy to backfire. If you want to be long-term and have a deep impact, you must provide customers with content that is useful to them.

 You need to learn the habits and preferences of your customers to know what content is right for them, and which content is highly effective. Don't run after meaningless spread, your ultimate goal is still to sell products and brand communication.

Email  – Short, concise, speak less & understand more

 When it comes to Content Marketing, it is impossible to ignore Email marketing, a very cheap form of online marketing but still highly effective. In addition to the specific tips, a factor that greatly affects the success or failure of Email marketing is the content of email messages. A promotional Email is not like the normal, spread Content Marketing method, it requires a very high level of consciousness and specialty. In each letter, you must not write too much, go to the right focus, and highlight the message. In addition, writing a reasonable layout of images, and putting a stimulating title is also the art of email marketing, it greatly determines the customer's decision whether to open the letter or not, and whether or not to open it, or read it all.

Don't create content just because it looks good

It's great to come up with new content ideas every day. However, we realize that there is so much content on the distribution channels that users don't have enough time to consume it. So, before creating your next content, think about the goals you want to achieve from it:

 – Does it align with your marketing goals?

– Is it relevant to your target audience?

– Does it provide a solution or value to your audience?

 Many marketers are spending more time updating old content than creating new content. Updating your best-performing content is one way to maintain an effective SEO strategy.  If you had a very successful blog post in early 2018, you can review its relevance for 2019 and update it as needed. This way, you both maintain a good SEO position and add it to your new content promotion schedule.  Old content still takes time to be updated regularly, so make it part of your strategy instead of just creating new content.  Take the time and budget to test new content

It's great to spend most of your time focusing on the best-performing channels, but spending a fraction of your time and budget testing new ideas will still yield useful results.


 Look for emerging distribution channels and trending promotional tactics to start testing them. You will certainly learn from the experience, and perhaps it will open up a great opportunity to keep up with and lead the changing technology affecting marketing.  You can experiment with voice technology, AI, Snapchat, or whatever else you think is right for your target audience.

Narrow your audience

Content marketing should be about reaching as many people as possible. Even if you're not targeting a large-scale campaign to increase your visibility, you still have a predefined target audience.

 In modern marketing, we don't expect someone to listen to our message by trying to stuff it in their ears. It's time to set more specific goals and have the right content tactics to increase your ad's success rate.

 Don't be afraid to focus on a narrower target audience if this helps you improve your engagement or conversion rates.

 In fact, your niche could be the key to your success. It proves that you really understand your audience and will help you increase the ROI of your content marketing efforts.


Put your audience first

The best way to ensure that your content marketing strategy will still be successful over the next 12 months is to continue listening to the needs of your customers.

 If your audience or goals have changed in the last 12 months, you need to reflect these changes in your content marketing strategy.

 Take the time to dig deeper into the data to understand more about customer behavior and what they need from you. You may think you know your customers very well, but there will be times when you will be surprised. You must always observe and pay attention to changes in customer behavior, whether it is related to new technologies, new products, or even new habits